
Welcome to Maruyoshi Jyutaku in Sakyo ward of Kyoto!

会社概要  アンケート  個人情報について

We keep laws regarding Personal Information ( we call it, "PI") protection. We also conduct appropriate use/management of personal information of our customer and supervise for sure.

Our primary responsibility is the management of rented accommodation, brokerage and sale of land and houses. We collect customers' PI in association with transaction agreement. We will explain how to protect and treat customer's PI according to rule of personal information protection.

■Handling of PI
We make use of PI. (Ex. name, gender, birthday, address, phone number, email-address and particular information)

■Purpose of use of PI
We use customer's PI only for the purpose below,
 ・Procedure of moveing and leaving, contract performance and control over transaction.
 ・Information for real estate requested from you.
 ・Enforcement of after-sale service.
 ・Correspondence for customers' inquiry.

We share customer's PI with a lender when he or she move to a rented accommodation. We also share it with a credit survey company only when required.
In this case, we may provide the PI of a cosigner and lodger.
As for a cosigner and lodger, please note that a renter is responsibility for them.

 (For landlord)
 ・Advertisement on the Internet.
 ・Mediation of rental service( Ex.introduction, contract and procedure of moving ), management activity and business operation
 ・Provide service and material regarding rental management.
 ・Correspondence for landlord's inquiry.
 We provide a landlord's PI for a renter and a cosigner when a renter move in.

■Disclosure of the Personal information for a third party
We don't disclose the PI for a third party without purepose below,
 ・The purepose as above.
 ・In which case of a customoer's consent.
 ・In which case of inquiring by laws and regulations.
 ・For a surety company and loan-collector when a renter fall behind in rent.

■Disclosure of PI, correction and disconnection of service
Please feel free to contact us regarding disclosure of PI, correction, disconnection of service and any other questions about PI.

Maruyoshi Jyutaku